One Off Job Lot of 248 Elvis In Canada By Bill E. Burk Magazines

Part No: SKU56069WC

EAN: 9781869941055

Condition: New

RRP: £10,416.00
(Inc. VAT: £220.00 GBP)
Per item: £0.89
Items in Joblot: 248
98% offrrp
Potential Profit£10,196.00
In Stock
Hurry! only 1 job lot left!

One Off Job Lot of 248 Elvis In Canada By Bill E. Burk Magazines

A unique collection of rare photographs of Elvis Presley, captured both on stage and backstage during his 1957 Canadian tour - his only tour outside the USA.

Original RRP: £4.99
Resale RRP: £42.00 Per Magazine!

Due to their unique photographs and limited availability, these magazines are in high demand among collectors and Elvis fans.

Produced by Elvisly Yours, the company with exclusive rights to manufacture official Elvis Presley products.

Elvis memorabilia remains hugely popular worldwide, making this job lot a profitable resale opportunity.

Brand new - Vintage condition.

Please note:

The listed RRP reflects the current selling price on platforms like eBay and Etsy, not the original retail price.

Due to long-term storage, some magazines may show wear, creases, or heavy dust.

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